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Pittsburgh Indoor Tennis Court Directory

This is a list of indoor courts in Allegheny county.  It works pretty much like the outdoor court list but does have some additional information about lighting, price, hours, and how 'fast' the courts are.  Double tap the court title to reveal a detail information page for the court 

The notes column carries some encoded data which indicates the lighting, court speed, general cost plus an additional note if needed.

The first three numbers indicate how well lit the courts are.  They were all measured with the same app that uses an iPhone 10 camera to capture light intensity in lux as measured from three spots on a middle court.  The first is the light reading at the T, the second is a light reading at the middle of the baseline and the third is deep on the backcourt.  The numbers themselves probably don't tell you much but their relative values can be useful.

As a point of reference, the light on a sunny day registers at 25,000.  None of the indoor courts are close to that.


The speed rating was measured by a home grown contraption that used a weight and a spring scale to detect how much force was needed to move a rubber coated 5 lb dumbbell weight.  The higher the number, the slower the court. This method does not work for Har-tru courts so just be aware that they would, of course, all be pretty slow.

Finally the number of dollar signs shows the relative court for spot time.  These rates change so be aware.

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